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Andrew Tate’s security chief calls accusers ‘stupid,’ spiteful for not being ‘his next wife’

Andrew Tate’s head of security has bluntly dismissed the incendiary influencer’s sex accusers as being “young and stupid” and likely seeking revenge for not being picked as his “next wife.”

Bogdan Stancu told the BBC that in the last two years, he’s seen more than 100 women passing through the accused rapist’s compound in the Romanian capital, Bucharest.

Most were under age 25 and had all their expenses paid by US-born Tate, 36, who remains in custody accused of rape and sex trafficking.

“Some of the girls misunderstood the reality and believed [they would] be his next wife,” Stancu told the UK broadcaster.

“When they realized the reality, it’s easy to transform from a friend into an enemy, and make a statement to the police,” he suggested dismissively of the allegations that saw Tate busted there last month.

“They’re young and stupid,” he said when asked specifically of the accusers.

Andrew Tate’s head of security called Tate’s accusers “young and stupid.” REUTERS

As for his boss, “I never doubt Andrew,” Stancu said loyally — while conceding that he must be punished if found guilty.

The security chief confirmed that Tate and his 34-year-old brother, Tristan — one of the co-accused — both have several children in Romania, without giving an exact number.

The influencer also seemed convinced that “somebody wanted to hurt him” — and the security team was always at the ready “because we knew anything could happen,” Stancu said.

“I would not say ‘paranoid’ but something similar maybe. He wanted to have a normal life and couldn’t — maybe it’s normal to be a little bit more paranoid,” the security chief told the BBC.

Since his arrest late last month, Tate has repeatedly lost his efforts to get released on bail, with police continuing to raid properties and also seizing his fleet of flashy sports cars.

He is accused of “human trafficking and rape” as part of an “organized criminal group” along with his brother, his rumored girlfriend, Georgiana Naghel, 28, and an ex-Romanian cop, Luana Radu, 32.

The security chief confirmed that Tate and his 34-year-old brother, Tristan, both have several children in Romania. AP

Officials say they found at least six victims — although two of the women listed as accusers have angrily accused prosecutors of using them despite their denials that they were ever victims.

The women, named Beatrice and Jasmine, were among those with tattoos reading “Property of Tate” and “Tate Girl,” the BBC said.

Beatrice told Romania’s Antena 1 TV that she got her “Tate Girl” inking “out of respect” for her “good friends,” referring to both Tate brothers.

“I was never threatened,” Beatrice said. “If I was, I wouldn’t be stupid enough to stay in that house.

“You can’t describe me as a victim in the case file if I’m not a victim.”

Legal experts believe the case will focus on a since-deleted video in which Tate said he moved to Romania in 2017 in part because of the ease of escaping rape accusations.

“In a way, he’s right,” Laura Stefan, a legal expert and prominent anti-corruption campaigner, told the BBC.

“Listening to him, the way he explained why he came here, I could relate to that; I thought he made a good calculation — unfortunately.”

Romanian authorities seized Andrew Tate’s luxury sports cars. AP

However, the high-profile case could be a sign that things are changing, she said.

“Romania has a serious problem with trafficking, and I think the Romanian authorities have come to understand that this has to be dealt with,” she told the UK broadcaster.

Tate’s lawyer has said there is no real evidence in the case, in which he expects to enter not-guilty pleas.

Since the arrests, Tate’s Twitter page has continued sending messages to his 4.6 million followers, often implying that he is the victim of “the Matrix.”

“My case isn’t criminal. It’s political. If you want to know the truth, you need to look deep into Romanian Politics,” it tweeted Tuesday, alongside a video claiming his arrest was a PR stunt to help a political leadership battle.