
The week in whoppers: Pooh-pooing Biden corruption, CNN’s tone-shift on prez and more

Diary of disturbing disinformation and dangerous delusions

This claim:

“Most Americans just don’t care about ‘Biden family corruption.’”

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, Monday

We say: As The Post’s Miranda Devine points out, a whopping 78% of likely US voters say they’ve “closely” followed reports of Hunter Biden, including 47% who say they’ve followed them “very closely,” per an April Rasmussen poll.

A Harvard-Harris survey found 60% believe Hunter sold access to the president, 58% say Joe Biden was “part” of Hunter’s business interests, and 67% believe that, if true, the misdeeds constitute an impeachable offense.

H-H also found “corruption” to be among voters’ top 10 concerns — above terrorism, income inequality, voting rights, climate change, foreign relations and numerous others. 

Spot the difference:

“Why the Donald Trump-West Point ramp story actually matters” — CNN headline, June 15, 2020


“White House says Biden is fine after tripping on sandbag and falling on stage at Air Force Academy commencement” — CNN headline, June 1, 2023

We say: If you’re CNN, Trump’s cautious stepping down a ramp he says was slippery in 2020 “actually matters” — but when 80-year-old President Biden actually fell last week, and not for the first time, there’s nothing to worry about: “Biden is fine,” the White House assures us.  

Biden fell on stage at the Air Force Academy graduation on June 1, 2023.
Biden fell on stage at the Air Force Academy graduation on June 1, 2023. Photo by BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images

This statement:

“We have been [in Israel] for more than 1.5 million years.”

 — Palestinian National Council President Rawhi Fattouh, May 22

We Say: Fattouh tried to one-up Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who cited the City of David to prove Jews have been in Jerusalem for 3,000 years.

That was in response to a lie by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas — that Jews had no connection to the Temple Mount (site of Judaism’s First and Second Temple).

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu looks on as he convenes a cabinet meeting at the Prime Minister's office in Jerusalem, June 4, 2023
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu used the City of David as a citation to prove Jews have been in Jerusalem for at least 3,000 years. REUTERS

But Fattouh’s claim of a 1.5 million-year Palestinian presence takes the cake: Homo sapiens wasn’t even around until, at most, 300,000 years ago.

Oh, and for the record, modern-day Palestinians didn’t even see themselves as a people distinct from Arabs until the past century or so.

This assertion:

“[To Republicans,] DEI does not mean DEI, it means black and gay people. It’s fear of the other.” 

NBC’s Ben Collins, Wednesday

We say: Where do these leftists come up with such nonsense?

To Republicans and everyone else, DEI — Diversity, Equity and Inclusion™ — means racial quotas, reverse discrimination, politically policed speech, redistribution. . . . Leftists might avoid using those words to describe it, but they support the concepts wholeheartedly.

Conservatives, by contrast, see problems with such ideas — but not with “black and gay people,” as Collins suggests. No: If anyone’s using code words here, it’s not Republicans, but the left.

Compiled by The Post Editorial Board