Cindy Adams

Cindy Adams


Former Trump lawyer Alan Dershowitz bashes indictments against ex-president: ‘Worst case I’ve seen in 60 years of law’

Justice isn’t that simple

Alan Dershowitz, Harvard prof, author of seven best sellers, 84, most famous lawyer anywhere, you believe all your clients?

“Of course not. Many charged with crimes are guilty of something. Innocence is in Iran, China, Cuba. We support the Constitution’s Sixth Amendment which allows everyone a good defense. Listen, I’m like a doctor who can sleep after saving someone who’ll then do bad things. I’ve had 35 murder cases.”

About the O.J. case we both worked: “They didn’t win. We just lost. An officer, believing O.J. guilty, thought the glove’s real evidence against him wouldn’t be allowed because it came from an illegal search, so to improve the case he poured blood on the sock. The jury caught him. You never lie to the court!

“Harvey Weinstein I represented long ago in a business case. On current allegations he asked me for consultation. I’ll consult with anyone on any constitutional issue regardless of the defendant. That case is still on appeal.

“I work hard to avoid screwing up. Won nearly all my murder cases.

Famed attorney Alan Dershowitz claimed that he doesn’t always believe his clients. Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images
Dershowitz was part of O.J. Simpson’s “dream team” of defense lawyers. AP Photo/Pool/Reed Saxon
Famed attorney Alan Dershowitz said the indictment of former President Donald Trump in New York is the “worst case” he has ever seen. Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images

“Now, Donald. The effort is just to get him. New York’s is the worst case I’ve seen in 60 years of law. Nothing to it under the law or under the fact. As to Florida? Search hard enough you can find evidence against anybody. I’ve seen stuffed fish on a plaque which says, ‘I’d still be swimming if I’d only kept my mouth shut.’ That’s the problem.

“And Biden’s home state Delaware? An outrage. They appoint judges who return to practice and favor local people. There should be sniffing around. Delaware’s justice system is not a justice system trusted to do equal justice.”

Never too old

Aging actress Jacqueline Bisset, 78, now plays an aging actress in the indie “Loren & Rose.” “Fine with me that it’s no blockbuster. I’m not now in giant movies, or getting well-paid. Small films. Almost working for free. I’m just glad for the work. It’s out the 23rd, Friday.”

Jacqueline Bisset is playing an aging actress in the indie film “Loren & Rose.” Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

Talented? Call him

Celebrity has become its own business. IE Group’s Jeff Krauss: “The pandemic, which begat virtual meetings, developed a booking op of names for birthdays, conventions, nightclubs, a bris, anything. The new idea’s called FanRoom Live.” He’s handled Clooneys, Brooke Shields, Uma Thurman, Angela Bassett, Ed Sheeran, William Shatner, Susan Sarandon, Rosario Dawson, Debra Messing, Katharine McPhee, Carmen Electra, Spike Lee, Jenny McCarthy, Donnie Wahlberg and probably a partridge in a pear tree. So any semi-VIP who can sing, whistle, burp, whiff, whoof or make noise, call him.

Look busy

Question: Every politician facing a mike’s got a chorus planted behind who say nothing. They’re staring, unmoving, not interceding, not suggesting. Specializing in nothing. They add borscht. They just grow behind their chosen person. My question is: What purpose is this curtain of bones who do nothing, add nothing, say nothing and just stand there like wax dummies?

So, this attorney is walking down Fifth Avenue. He sees two cars collide. He rushes over and yells: “Listen, I’m a personal injury lawyer. I saw the whole thing. I’ll take either side!”

Only in New York, kids, only in New York.