
Common cleaner no longer strong enough to kill deadly superbugs: study

It’s not good news.

New research shows that some of the most used hospital cleaners are completely ineffective on a deadly superbug that commonly causes sickness in medical settings, according to the University of Plymouth.

High concentrations of bleach and chlorine chemicals are about as effective as water when it comes to killing off the life-threatening bacteria Clostridioides difficile (C. diff), a colitis and diarrhea-causing germ, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Researchers also noted that the use of strong chemicals to kill off bacteria, known as biocide, is making them ineffective on the disease carriers as a major rise in anti-microbial resistance (AMR) has been observed worldwide.

Common hospital cleaning supplies do little against a major superbug, research finds.
Common hospital cleaning supplies do little against a major superbug, research finds. Seventyfour –

July research found AMR to be one of the top ten global public health threats being faced by humanity as well.

“With incidence of anti-microbial resistance on the rise, the threat posed by superbugs to human health is increasing,” lead study author Dr. Tina Joshi, now published in the journal “Microbiology,” said.

“It shows we need disinfectants, and guidelines, that are fit for purpose and work in line with bacterial evolution, and the research should have significant impact on current disinfection protocols in the medical field globally.”

Cleaning supplies in hospitals may not be as efficient as once thought.
Cleaning supplies in hospitals may not be as efficient as once thought. Education Images/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Joshi and her team also found that three separate spores of C. diff were easily able to survive on personal protective equipment and common hospital wear like surgical scrubs and patient gowns.

“Understanding how these spores and disinfectants interact is integral to practical management of C. diff infection and reducing the burden of infection in healthcare settings,” she added.

“With AMR increasing globally, the need to find those answers – both for C. diff and other superbugs – has never been more pressing.”