
I’m a dietitian — this is my favorite breakfast to fight off weight gain and chronic disease

It’s all Greek to her.

Making healthy choices at the start of a busy day can be a challenge, but one diet pro insists that the best breakfast to help clients lose weight is a snap to prepare — and it’s delicious, too.

In an article for Eat This,Not That, registered dietitian Kristen Carli lays out all the reasons why you should be kicking off each day with a parfait made from thick, rich Greek yogurt, amped up with protein powder.

She preaches parfaits. Hear why a registered dietician swears by Greek yogurt mixed with these add ons. ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿-

Choose the right nuts and berries to layer in, she said, and you’ve got an easily organizable meal that keeps you full for the bulk of your day and can successfully suppress the urge to overeat.

“This parfait is not only delicious but also highly customizable. You can switch up the fruits and nuts to keep things interesting and cater to your taste preferences,” she said.

Greek yogurt parfaits are an amazingly healthy way to kick off breakfast. elenavah –

“Using plain Greek yogurt and adding your own toppings allows you to control the amount of added sugar, which is important for weight management.”

Carli personally likes to go for a nonfat Greek yogurt, tossing in walnuts for both healthy fats and a crunchy texture. When it comes to fruit, she’s all about the raspberry.

“They add sweetness as well as fiber and essential micronutrients,” Carli added. “Fiber is important for digestive health and can help prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and even colon cancer.”

How to make it

One dietician recommends kicking off your day with a protein infused yogurt parfait. Prostock-studio –

Start by mixing half a cup of plain, unsweetened Greek yogurt with one scoop of a preferred protein — Carli suggests one with 30 grams per serving.

From there, add in half a cup of fruit like raspberries, a quarter cup of walnuts, and for more flavor, half a tablespoon of honey as well.

Begin with a layer of yogurt and protein, then add in raspberries, the nuts, and top it off with a spritz of honey. Do this in repeated layers until your bowl or glass is full.