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5 ways women can lower their stroke risk — including one to do before going outside

Stroke is the fifth-leading cause of death for American women.

Dinner or breakfast? New study reveals when to eat calcium to lower heart attack risk

Researchers analyzed the calcium consumption of 36,164 American adults.

I'm a dietitian — beware these 4 sneaky 'health halo' foods

Are you being hoodwinked by your health food?

Popular fruit may help lower diabetes risk for women — but not for men: study

"They have good unsaturated fats, a good source of fiber, and a multitude of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients," one registered dietitian pointed out about the fruit.

Fruit juice's surprising health benefit revealed in new study

The Swansea University research followed 14,000 British children from birth to adulthood and is believed to be the longest of its kind ever reported.

My strength training 'drastically' improved with a pre-workout supplement — then the side effects kicked in

It was the lift she needed — or so she thought.

Fake sweetener used in kids lip balm might be damaging your gut: study

There's nothing sweet about this news.

Toddler milk is ‘potentially harmful,’ AAP warns as calls mount for stricter regulations

Toddler milk products have grown into a multibillion-dollar global business, despite warnings from health authorities that the benefits of this milk formula are unproven. The products are marketed with claims...

I'm a nutrition expert — here's how to avoid that afternoon energy slump

If you're yawning at your desk as you read this, try one of these tips stat to boost your energy.

I’m a dietitian — here’s the secret to intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting might work for you, but only if you adhere to these strict guidelines, one dietitian says.

I'm a nutritionist — here are 2 overrated and 4 underrated health foods

"Items your grocery list does & doesn’t need!" Claire Sorlie captioned her TikTok, which has captured more than 40,000 views since it was posted this month.

I'm a dietitian — and these foods don't deserve their bad reputation

These popular kitchen staples often get a bad rap — and it's totally unjustified, according to dietitians.

I lost 85 pounds in 8.5 months — thanks to these 7 simple fixes

"I somehow had settled into thinking that being heavy was just how I would be for the rest of my life, but then a switch went off," said Crystel Saturday,...

Diet Coke or Coke Zero? Dietitian reveals which one is healthier

The results are soda-pressing for Coke fans.

Stop falling for these nutrition ‘hacks’ on TikTok — only 2% of them are accurate, new study shows

A recent study organized by MyFitnessPal in conjunction with Dublin City University, has revealed that 57% of users on the streaming platform are using it as their main source of...

I'm a personal trainer — here's how to make a Popeyes meal for under 500 calories

Love that chicken from Popeyes but on a diet?

This is the healthiest cheese you can eat — and it has surprising benefits

"It's a good source of protein and calcium, and even contains probiotics that can benefit gut and immune health," the doctor said.

I lost 140 pounds by ditching one thing from my diet: 'I felt disgusting'

"I went to a New Year party in 2021 and realized all the other women had lovely slim figures," Jo Hurley recalled. "I knew I had to do something or...

These miracle foods mimic Ozempic's hunger-killing effects — for pennies

People are trying to find more affordable alternatives to the weight-loss drugs in any way they can.

I'm a dietitian — here are the 3 things I look for when buying cookies

"Let's be real, most gluten-free cookies are dry as f--k," Abbey Sharp declared.