
‘Parade of Planets’: How to see the June 3 event and what it means for your astrological sign

The good news? Six out of nine of our solar system's luminaries — Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune — will be visible at once in a rare event....

Pluto retrograde is here — bringing old astrological power struggles back from the dead

We're talking death and renewal and the backspin of the petit but potent planet Pluto, beginning its retrograde in Aquarius on May 2. Read on to learn more about how...

May 2024 horoscopes: What the season of the bull means for your sign

A hearty high-five, back-slap and three fingers of scotch go to any and all who survived the astrological rodeo that was April 2K24.

Ready yourself for release during April's full pink moon in Scorpio

April has thus far been a fresh kind of hell, and we will not go gently or sweetly into the pastures of Taurus season nor this lunation. Hot take: the...

Full pink moon in Scorpio will be extra intense thanks to planet of death

Buckle up, my babies, as the most trying month of 2K24 ain't over.

Arizona declares Pluto as its 'official state planet' — even though it's not a planet

Pluto was discovered in Flagstaff, Arizona, by astronomer Clyde Tombaugh in 1930 at the Lowell Observatory, according to the paper.

Pluto enters Aquarius 2023: Effects to your life will be seismic

Named for the maiden snatching, shadow dwelling god of the underworld, small but mighty planet Pluto moves into Aquarius for the first time in two and a half centuries on...

Astronomers astonished by ring around frigid distant world Quaoar

The small distant world called Quaoar, named after a god of creation in Native American mythology, is producing some surprises for astronomers.

Major astrology predictions for the entire world in 2023

Real talk, 2023 will not be gentle, it will not feel like a summer breeze nor taste like childhood. Neigh, the vibe here is revolution and critical change but trust...

'Cryovolcanos' erupting slushy ice water recently active on Pluto

Giant ice volcanos were active 'relatively recently' on Pluto, altering its surface, scientists say. Images taken of Pluto reveal a region of strange terrain previously unobserved in our solar system,...

What is a Pluto return on 2/22/22 and what does it mean in astrology?

With a viral interest about 2/22/22 and the United States’ Pluto return, let’s dive into what this means for our nation — and the world.

Astrologers explain 'power shift' significance of 2/22/22 for US

A little more than two hours after midnight, the deuces will be too wild to ignore: 2:22:22 on 2/22/22, a Tuesday.

Pluto's mysterious 'beating heart' controls the planet's winds

There is a debate in the scientific community over whether Pluto should be a planet again. But a new study affirms that the dwarf planet's "beating heart" is impacting its...

NASA chief really wants Pluto to be a planet again

NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine believes that Pluto should be a planet again. “I am here to tell you, as the NASA Administrator, I believe Pluto should be a planet,” he...

NASA chief argues Pluto should still be considered a planet

Despite it being over a decade since this decision was made, the topic is still hotly disputed and there are those who think Pluto should be labeled as a planet...

NASA: Icy object past Pluto looks like reddish snowman

LAUREL, Md. — A NASA spacecraft 4 billion miles from Earth yielded its first close-up pictures Wednesday of the most distant celestial object ever explored, depicting what looks like a...

It's onward and outward for New Horizons

NASA scientists on Wednesday released the first pictures of Ultima Thule — sent back 4 billion miles by the New Horizons probe. It’s also a glimpse 4.5 billion years back...

NASA spacecraft survives flyby of most distant object ever explored

NASA rang in 2019 in stellar style by celebrating a successful excursion to the most distant world ever explored -- some billion miles beyond Pluto. To a thunderous round of...

NASA spacecraft spots next destination beyond Pluto

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — A NASA spacecraft that explored Pluto has spotted its next target on the outskirts of our solar system. NASA this week revealed pictures taken by New...

Pluto might be just a ball of 'crashed comets'

Pluto has had a pretty interesting past few decades. Long considered the ninth official planet, astronomers who redefined what “planet” really means decided to reclassify Pluto in 2006 as a...