stem cells

Patient cured of HIV and leukemia is 'extremely grateful' 5 years after stem cell transplant

“I wasn’t ready to die,” Paul Edmonds, 68, told ABC News last year.

China grows first-ever fluorescent-green chimera monkey using stem cells

Researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences recorded the first-ever live birth of a chimeric monkey using stem cells, with the animal having luminous green eyes and fingertips.

'We'll be living and working to 120 – and it will start within a decade' says doctor to the stars

Hollywood doctor Ernst von Schwarz says a healthy life to 120 will be normal soon thanks to stem cells he already gives to celebrities. The longest-lived human was Jeanne Calment,...

Living human embryo model conceived without sperm or egg: breakthrough study

"Some will welcome this," said one researcher of the ethically challenging research, "but others won't like it."

'Geneva patient' could be sixth person to achieve HIV remission

If this man, dubbed the "Geneva patient," is in remission long enough, he could be considered cured of the potentially lethal virus.

Cure for baldness might be hiding in your hairy moles, new study finds

Researchers are preparing to start clinical trials this summer of a molecule that seems to stimulate hair growth.

Lab-grown babies could be a reality as soon as 2028, scientist claims

Japanese scientists claim they could grown human babies in the lab in as few as five years by incubating eggs and sperm in an artificial womb.

Drew Barrymore 'banked' her kids' umbilical cord blood — but is it worth it?

It's been touted as a miracle "insurance" -- but some experts are zeroing in on the time and financial investments that are needed.

'Consumers are gambling their money' on stem cell treatments, scientists warn

“Companies that sell untested and unproven health promises are little more than modern snake-oil salesmen," said the lead author of a new study.

'Holy grail' of cancer detection predicts tumors a year before they form: breakthrough

The revolutionary cancer screening approach will soon be used in participating UK hospitals.

Third person 'cured' of HIV after risky stem cell transplant

A German man has become the third person ever to be effectively "cured" of HIV thanks to a stem cell transplant.

Scientists grow human brain cells in rats — influencing rodents' behavior

"We found that human neurons respond very quickly after we stimulated the whiskers," one researcher observed.

Scientists create 'synthetic' embryo with brain, beating heart in 'world first'

Scientists have created the miracle of life — no male or female necessary.

Biotech firm wants to grow human embryos for organ harvesting

The company, Renewal Bio, claimed that it successfully used advanced stem cell technology and artificial wombs in order to grow mouse embryos.

Oldest patient yet cured of HIV after stem cell transplant: researchers

A 66-year-old HIV patient was cured after receiving a stem cell transplant for leukemia, researchers reported on Wednesday.

'Gorilla Glue girl' gets stem cell therapy after another hair debacle

Tessica Brown, who went viral for using Gorilla Glue as hairspray, has undergone stem cell and PRP therapies to revive her hair after a recent disastrous dye job caused it...

'Introducing, Selma Blair' reveals story behind star’s risky MS treatment

The film is an intimate, unvarnished look at Blair’s struggles with the autoimmune disorder and her journey to undergo a potentially fatal stem cell transplant. 

Win a 50 million-year-old fossil for touring $2M Massachusetts mansion

The seller of a Massachusetts mansion has added a unique incentive to attract more eyes to his $1.78 million property — all tours come with a chance to win a...

Biohacker Ari Rastegar claims to have body of a little kid

Real-life Peter Pan Ari Rastegar claims his rivals are left in the dust thanks to extreme, trendy practices such as stem-cell therapy and meditation inside a hyperbaric chamber.