winston churchill

Firing anti-Israel subversives is a good start, but Google's Sundar Pichai has a long way to go

It looks like Google finally got around to googling Winston Churchill’s famous quote: “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.”

I got into med school by pretending to be black — we must enforce Supremes’ ruling

The Supreme Court’s decision banning college-admission based on race was a good first step, but the challenge now is to see that schools abide by it.

I'm a thrift shopper — I found a signed Winston Churchill letter for $1

The note, dated April 19, 1955, reads: "Thank you so much for your kind message. It gave me much pleasure."

Which zodiac sign is the biggest extrovert? An astrologer explains

Leo, the sign of the stage and the patron saint of performers, child stars and frontmen, is ruled by the sun, the most extroverted of heavenly bodies, and the largest...

Queen Elizabeth's state funeral — the first since Churchill's — sees Britain stand still before a perilous future

Queen Elizabeth’s example of duty, dignity and decency struck the deepest of human chords. How typical it is that her death is bringing out the best once more.

Americans must help Ukrainians—for the sake of their lives and our legacy

Standing with the Ukrainian people is a mission of deep family significance. My wife Suzanne’s mother was born to Ukrainian immigrant parents, and her father immigrated to the US from...

The Post mourns Queen Elizabeth II, a paragon of near-extinct virtues

She was served by 15 prime ministers in a reign that spanned 14 US presidents and saw the end of the British Empire, the West’s victory in the Cold War,...

Like Churchill in the '50s, Biden is just too old to lead his nation

This week, a poll of New Hampshireans finds Biden trailing his own Transportation Secretary, Pete Buttigieg, among Democrats asked whom they would prefer to vote for in 2024. Mayor Pete...

Hotel that burned down, killing owner's wife, lists for $1.26M

A fire left half of the Bontddu Hall Hotel in the Snowdonia National Park destroyed, but the other half preserved.

What Biden needs to do to restore US credibility after Afghan fiasco

Can Biden’s global standing recover from his debacle in Afghanistan? This will be one of the most pressing questions ahead even if the US manages to successfully evacuate its citizens...

Extravagant birthplace of James Bond could be yours

One of Britain's most important historic structures, the palatial Old War Office in London where James Bond was dreamed up by Ian Fleming and various Bond movies were filmed, can...

Oil painting by Winston Churchill set to sell for $2 million

An oil painting by Winston Churchill is set to be sold on June 23 — and estimates for the long-thought-lost painting are enormous.

Inside the $12M London spy mansion that helped end WWII

An eye scan is required to gain entry to this WWII-era London spy mansion where MI6 operatives created the chaos that shrouded the D-Day attack at Normandy.

Angelina Jolie sells off Winston Churchill painting from Brad Pitt

Pitt bought it for $2.95 million in 2011.

Angelina Jolie selling painting by Winston Churchill gifted to FDR

The painting was the only work of art that Churchill created during World War II.

How Winston Churchill became an accidental beauty influencer

The most unlikely beauty influencer of 2020? That would be Sir Winston Churchill.

Ivanka Trump compares her dad to Winston Churchill at Michigan rally

Ivanka Trump compared her dad to Winston Churchill on Sunday as she introduced the president during a campaign rally in Michigan. "Winston Churchill said, 'It was the nation that had...

NYC's famed Waldorf Astoria hotel selling off 80,000 historic items

The lavish interiors of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel have decamped to a giant empty mall near Boston where they are scheduled to go on sale in a landmark auction beginning...

Images of Winston Churchill temporarily vanished from Google search results

Images of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill temporarily vanished from Google over the weekend after the World War II leader's statue in London was defaced, according to a report. Searches...

Winston Churchill statues could become target in London protests: mayor

Statues of World War II leader Winston Churchill could become a dangerous flashpoint in planned demonstrations, London officials said Saturday, warning people to avoid the city center. Some statues of...