Post Action Betting

NBA Draft 2023: What are the odds Victor Wembanyama is the No. 1 pick?

The 2023 NBA Draft has arrived, and Vegas oddsmakers have set betting markets and odds – including for Victor Wembanyama to be the No. 1 pick.

You may have heard of Wembanyama, the 7-foot-4 French prospect taking the world by storm.

The Spurs are very likely to draft Wembanyama with the first overall pick. But exactly how likely?

Vegas oddsmakers have set a market for Wembanyama to be the first overall pick, and the odds are staggering.

Victor Wembanyama is a huge favorite to be the No. 1 pick

Victor Wembanyama talks to the Media during 2023 NBA Draft week
Victor Wembanyama talks to the Media during 2023 NBA Draft week Getty Images

At FanDuel Sportsbook, the odds for Wembanyama to go first overall are a ridiculous -50000. 

Those odds imply a whopping 99.8% probability the Spurs will take him with the top overall pick. 

A $100 wager at these odds would pay out a profit of 20 cents.

DraftKings Sportsbook set a more reasonable market for the pick, with the odds sitting at -20000, implying just a 99.5% probability the Spurs take him first overall.

A $100 wager at these odds would pay out a profit of 50 cents. 

The best odds you can get for Wembanyama to be the top pick are at BetMGM Sportsbook, where they’re offering -10000 odds.

Read the New York Post’s coverage for the 2023 NBA Draft:

At those odds, you could put down a reasonable $10,000 wager to win $100 if you had the capital. 

Just to be clear, we are not recommending any of these wagers.

There are much better ways to bet on the NBA Draft.